This page is dedicated to the memory of our Members who have lost their fight against Cancer.
We remember them often with laughter and love.
Vale Christine Law
02 July 2020
Christine was a much loved member of our club, a dedicated fundraiser, former club President and social butterfly always with a smile and excited to be out on the water with her Pink Sisters.
Always in our hearts.

Vale Wendy Callaghan
18 March 2019
Wendy joined us in 2013 and was a vibrant member of our club,
bringing joy with a ready smile, biggest laugh and a positive outlook on life.
She will be greatly missed by us all.

Vale Rosy Loft
09 September 2016
Rosy was a much loved member of our club from the early days and paddled with us for many years. Always with a cheeky smile and quick laugh she loved paddling, her community and her beautiful young family who often joined us at regattas to cheer her on.
Rosy is remembered with fondness always.

Vale Jayne Coe
16 March 2016
(Our Founding Member)
Words from Jayne’s Flowers on the Water Ceremony 15th May 2016
Remembering Jayne and celebrating her life.
Everything she was…singer, hiker, paddler, friend, daughter, sister, wife.
She motivated others and made a difference wherever she went, her enthusiasm and zest for life was exceptionally well spent.
She gave us her friendship, our team and each other.
Always there to lend a hand, nothing was a bother.
We all have our memories of Jayne and her vibrant smiling face,
as she marched through life head on with her never ending grace.
Many words have been used to describe her and her achievements.
Steven said she was an angel, well, she was definitely heaven sent.

Vale Rosie Bozzi
24 November 2013
Words from Rosie’s Flowers on the Water Ceremony 16th Feb 2014
To my dear friend Rosie – Bella,
Once in a lifetime you meet someone who you know will be your friend forever. Our paths crossed amazingly, as we came to the end of our treatment for breast cancer, and a friendship so deep and strong was forged because of this indiscriminate disease. We had come so far along the road to recovery, sadly you had further to go before you could rest.
The Pink Snapdragons were humbled as you were faced with more set backs, by your strength, your courage , your character, your determination, your graciousness, your beauty that went deep down to your soul and your SMILE!!!! Ohh Yes Rosie your smile!!! No matter how bad you were feeling your smile was always there, never ever wanting anyone to know the pain.
Each and everyone of us were given the chance to know and love you and you taught us so much – we have such precious memories of you to keep with us. It is hard to forget someone who gave you so much to remember!
Cancer brought us together and cancer has torn us apart. You will not be forgotten Rosie for you live in the hearts of many.
We honor you and we will never give up the fight.
Until we meet again Bella Mia.

Vale Helen Bichel
23 December 2010
Helen was a superstar of our club. Always the first to put her hand up to help out, even when not feeling well. But most importantly, she loved to paddle and loved the Pink Snapdragons. To see the joy on her face when she was out on the water with “her girls” always brightened our day.
It was a special day in September 2009 when fate brought Helen and Brian down to the Redcliffe Jetty where they saw the dragon boats and decided to take a chance and give it a go. We were very honoured when Brian also became a paddling member of our club and we know Helen is always with us when Brian is in the boat.
Helen’s time with us was far too short, but she will live on in our hearts forever.